--- Log opened Sun Nov 16 00:00:30 2014 | ||
homura | http://rachelhardwick.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/iska2-ed_WEB1.jpg | 00:02 |
-!- dj-bobr [~dj-bobr@irc.pirati.cz] has joined #chliv | 00:03 | |
-!- next_ghost [~next_ghos@irc.pirati.cz] has left #chliv [] | 00:21 | |
-!- revenge [~tlastuvka@irc.pirati.cz] has left #chliv [] | 00:30 | |
etalon | pica, 2 hodiny porada s non-native speakers, nebyt za to takovy prachy, tak to vzdam :D | 00:40 |
@blondie | SS Christmas decorations on Czech auction site spark outrage — RT News | 01:01 |
etalon | http://rt.com/news/205859-nazi-christmas-tree-decorations/ | 01:01 |
etalon | jedem! | 01:01 |
etalon | 19 hodin čas do konce (Neděle, 16 listopadu, 20:55:00) | 01:02 |
-!- revenge [~tlastuvka@irc.pirati.cz] has joined #chliv | 01:06 | |
-!- revenge [~tlastuvka@irc.pirati.cz] has left #chliv [] | 04:22 | |
-!- dj_bobr [~dj-bobr@irc.pirati.cz] has joined #chliv | 12:05 | |
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homura | jsem schopná dostat nečlena na náš jabber? | 12:45 |
etalon | jak moc to chces? :) | 12:53 |
etalon | resp. proc neni schudnejsi proste si zalozit jabber na nejakem public serveru? :) | 12:57 |
-!- dj_bobr [~dj-bobr@irc.pirati.cz] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] | 14:10 | |
-!- dj-bobr [~dj-bobr@irc.pirati.cz] has joined #chliv | 15:28 | |
-!- next_ghost [~next_ghos@irc.pirati.cz] has joined #chliv | 15:29 | |
@blondie | Why does HTML think “chucknorris” is a color? - Stack Overflow | 15:29 |
next_ghost | http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8318911/why-does-html-think-chucknorris-is-a-color XD | 15:29 |
etalon | Nechcete nekdo koupit zencoiny predtim nez bude verejny obchodovani? =) | 15:47 |
neo | etalon: hehe... to bude nejaka pyramida s letadlem ne? :) | 15:48 |
etalon | ne :) | 15:48 |
homura | bez letadla! | 15:49 |
homura | http://www.davidpaulkirkpatrick.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/metaverse1.jpg | 15:51 |
etalon | animuje to nebo uz mam halucinace? :D | 15:53 |
etalon | aha uz vim, petiuhelniky :) to mozek neumi :D | 15:54 |
-!- dj_bobr [~dj-bobr@irc.pirati.cz] has joined #chliv | 16:53 | |
-!- dj-bobr [~dj-bobr@irc.pirati.cz] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] | 16:57 | |
homura | :D | 17:22 |
homura | lichost se mu nepáčí | 17:22 |
@blondie | graphapi.ga | 17:27 |
neo | http://graphapi.ga/ | 17:27 |
neo | :) | 17:27 |
dj_bobr | no neke.. gapi existuje | 17:29 |
neo | vzdycky existovalo :D | 17:30 |
homura | caturday sice byl včera, ale .. https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10675601_814676091930289_9188664223480315273_n.jpg?oh=e77ea639e5bd1468759a57cd0a21394e&oe=54E9060A&__gda__=1427610326_c955c938cfdabe24ba4b17559bdfc7d4 krásná zen kočička | 18:13 |
-!- dj_bobr [~dj-bobr@irc.pirati.cz] has quit [Quit: dj_bobr] | 19:16 | |
-!- dj-bobr [~dj-bobr@irc.pirati.cz] has joined #chliv | 19:54 | |
-!- dj-bobr [~dj-bobr@irc.pirati.cz] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] | 20:00 | |
-!- kkkkk [~webchat@irc.pirati.cz] has joined #chliv | 21:28 | |
-!- kkkkk [~webchat@irc.pirati.cz] has quit [Quit: Page closed] | 21:29 | |
-!- damianus [~damianus@irc.pirati.cz] has joined #chliv | 22:58 | |
-!- damianus_ [~damianus@irc.pirati.cz] has joined #chliv | 22:58 | |
next_ghost | trefný... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B2hKjdTCYAAFhtt.jpg | 23:06 |
-!- damianus_ [~damianus@irc.pirati.cz] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] | 23:07 | |
-!- damianus [~damianus@irc.pirati.cz] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] | 23:07 | |
Kedrigern | https://diasp.cz/posts/332037 | 23:26 |
--- Log closed Mon Nov 17 00:00:30 2014 |
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