Wednesday, 2014-11-12

--- Log opened Wed Nov 12 00:00:27 2014
-!- tardis [] has quit [Quit: Of all the nine lives I´ve lived, this is the worst.]00:07
revengehmm.. nuda..01:11
* etalon approves the disscussion01:19
dj-bobrjestli bude nasledujici zprava "su", tak to zacne bejt zabavny :)01:22
-!- etalon is now known as etalon`away01:24
revengeneed Nemesis now!01:40
-!- [TA]HELLth [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]02:22
-!- dj-bobr [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]06:23
-!- revenge is now known as zz_revenge08:01
-!- zz_revenge is now known as coruvar10:24
-!- [TA]HELLth [] has joined #chliv12:16
-!- coruvar is now known as zz_coruvar12:44
-!- etalon`away is now known as etalon14:08
-!- b [] has joined #chliv14:59
-!- b [] has quit [Quit: Changing server]15:01
-!- next_ghost [] has joined #chliv17:14
neoetalon: si?18:37
neouz nic :)18:54
-!- zz_coruvar is now known as coruvar21:12
-!- coruvar is now known as revenge21:12
-!- [TA]HELLth [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]21:21
-!- next_ghost [] has left #chliv []22:22
-!- dj-bobr [] has joined #chliv22:41
--- Log closed Thu Nov 13 00:00:27 2014

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