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Lightkeyhttps://balkaninsight.com/2019/05/21/czechs-eye-symbolic-pirate-breakthrough-in-europe/ I feel like I've read exactly the same somewhere else before, even though they supposedly spoke with the experts directly03:17
blondinaCzechs Eye ‘Symbolic’ Pirate Breakthrough in Europe | Reporting Democracy03:17
LightkeyI do wonder why the one thinks the Greens are anti-business, they certainly are not in Germany, who are the biggest part of the EP group by far, the other denies any relevance of pirate parties on national level apart from Iceland and the Czech Republic, maybe he should read up on Luxembourg03:26
Lightkeyhttps://www.mo.be/en/news/european-commission-delays-transparency-over-millions-fraud-czech-prime-minister-babi nice write-up03:58
blondinaEuropean Commission delays transparency over millions-fraud by Czech Prime Minister Babiš - MO*03:58
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