niekt0 | | 00:16 |
blondina | Izraelska atomova bomba CZ - YouTube | 00:16 |
niekt0 | zaujal ma popis tych politickych hier v pozadi, co mi to len pripomina | 00:17 |
niekt0 | uff.. | 16:27 |
klip | qqqqqqqqe`1qqqqqqqQQQqqadaaswe;njpjkopk | 16:43 |
klip | ups | 16:43 |
niekt0 | hm, nevedel som ze moj terminal podporuje aj blikajuce fonty | 16:46 |
klip | hh | 22:41 |
klip | ja si bloknul screenu a pres ctrl a ctrl q... a neslo mi to odblokovat nejak :) | 22:42 |
klip | ono se to odblokuje stejne tusim | 22:42 |
klip | a vyprazdni se buffer | 22:42 |
klip | test fact: <> <> <> . | 22:44 |
blondina | Jebać> - Not Found | 22:44 |
klip | test reasoned: <> <> <> . | 22:45 |
klip | test <> <> <> . | 22:45 |
klip | nice | 22:45 |
klip | delam EyEClient reasoning modul pro node.js podle novy RDFJS spec, coz je Stream API. Samej stream a promise :) | 22:47 |
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