
lnovycywe ten pokud o "smir"... fakt nevim jestli ma vubec smysl mu na to opovidat.01:30
klipThe HAT is a privacy-preserving framework for transacting personal data between Internet apps and services and their users or customers. https://developers.hubofallthings.com/home/10:01
blondinaWhat is the HAT and why Build on It? | Hub of All Things API10:01
niekt0co je to to "<http://goog_cislo/>" v maile od ivana?15:13
blondinaJebać http://goog_cislo/>" - Can't connect to goog_cislo:80 (Bad hostname)15:13
kliplol, ten hithit... to se zase pripravovalo v supliku z obavy, ze to piratum nekdo ukradne? lol15:20
klipna foru o tom nic nevidim15:20
klipa najednou bum, mame kampan na hithitu15:20
niekt0https://d2fc819w98cyv2.cloudfront.net/projects/project_3805/story/story_image_1498642052438 :)16:12
niekt0len nie kormidlo:)16:12
niekt0haha: https://www.hithit.com/cs/project/3805/piratska-plavba-do-snemovny/contributors keby ivan prispel 10K miesto 5K, tak ma veceru sam s sebou:)16:19
blondinaHithit - Pir&aacute;tsk&aacute; plavba do Sněmovny16:19

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